So, in that line of thinking, here's a little bit more about me!
I'm Megan, and I'm really glad you're here! My husband and I have been married since June of 2001, and we have 3 wonderful, healthy, challenging, headstrong, loving, caring, sharing, fighting children. Our oldest boy, J, was born in February of 2001. His brother E came along in September of 2002, and they were joined by little sister M in October of 2003. While I love how close in age they are, there are certainly lots of times where I've looked around the chaos of my house and said "What in the world was I thinking!?"
I work full time outside of the home as a manager for a tax firm. While I love my job, and love helping clients with their financial needs, there are times when my career choice, and the periods of demanding hours that are involved, ask a lot of my family. I am ever so thankful for the support of my husband, who's greatest desire is for me to be in a position with enough earnings that he can be a stay-at-home dad. In the meantime, he works as well, and plays superdad to our 3 marvelous offspring!
So, that's at least a start. Again, I'm so glad you stopped by, and I hope to see you again very soon!

i am so glad that i came upon your blog...i will be a regular visitor. it is nice getting to know you.