What to do with those pumpkins... I hated the thought of just letting them go to waste. But I'd never cooked with fresh pumpkin. And when I really gave it thought, I'm not sure that I'd ever done more than pumpkin pie with those cans of pumpkin. So, I did what any self-respecting internet junkie would do.
I Googled.
(Total side note. I use Google Chrome as my browser. It gave me a spelling error notice on googled. HA! Google doesn't know that it's it's own verb! Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.)
I found recipes for pumpkin bars, pumpkin breads, pumpkin pies, pumpkin spreads, pumpkin trifles, lots of pumpkin SWEET stuff. But I didn't want sweet. I wanted rich, and harvest-y, and savory. I wanted smooth and creamy. I wanted soup.
Finally, I found this recipe. It sounded perfect. There was even a link for roasting instructions. (Although, they focused on a microwave method. I scrolled on down and roasted.) Right off the bat, I was worried. All this stuff said "pie pumpkins" - these cute little orange jewels. Not much bigger than a can of pumpkin. Me? I had something completely different.
They showed me THIS:
I had THIS:
Yep. Just a leeeetle bit different. Eh, carry on! So, per the instructions, I sawed the pumpkin in half. I seeded and scooped. Then, into the oven went my halves, crammed nestled neatly onto a large baking sheet with a bit of water. (I added the water after I put the pan on my oven rack. Less likely to dump it all over myself that way!)
While the pumpkin roasted, my toaster oven and I toasted up some pumpkin seeds to snack on as well!
Then, I failed as a photo-blogger. While I watched, my six-year-old daughter, the precocious M, scooped that roasted pumpkin meat from the skins. And did I grab the camera? No. Fail. In fact, the photography here was almost an afterthought. Remember how I mentioned that Big Daddy and I both had pumpkins? Well, I only roasted one. The picture above of my pumpkin and the canned pumpkin? Yeah, it's the OTHER pumpkin. Does that make me a (wait for it....
wait for it!!!!)
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater!?
But I digress. At this point, I had this huge honking bowl of pumpkin guts, but it was bedtime. So, I threw a little plastic wrap over the top, chucked the whole thing in to the fridge, and called it a day.
Today, a couple cups at a time, I put said pumpkin gut stuff into my food processor, blending until I got a pretty good, creamy consistency. Looked similar to applesauce. From there, it was like any other recipe, I just followed the basic instructions. Saute the trinity, add the pumpkin & spices, then the cream at the end. (I used 3 parts 2% milk, 1 part half and half, and have a great, creamy consistency. I'm sure it would be richer with all half and half, but the calorie intake... Yikes!)
So, without further ado (but probably a few giggles at M's Pooh plate!) I present my pumpkin soup with a side of grilled cheese! It was yummy! It was best appreciated by Big Daddy and me, but M liked it, E... ate some, and J at least tried a bite. I was pretty ok with those results! I do have a lot of leftover pumpkin puree, and I'm betting it becomes a bread, but I could see making some of this soup for tax season. That recipe even gives hints on freezing the base soup, then adding the milk or cream afterwards, I bet I can make some great frozen meal kits with this!
Do you have any great pumpkin recipes? Have you tried to cook with fresh pumpkin? This was a whole new world for me, but I think it went pretty well- what crazy successes have YOU had in the kitchen?

here's my great pumpkin recipe
ReplyDelete#1 buy a pumpkin roll, they're yummy
#2 my dip is one can of pumpkin
one box of butterscotch pudding
one small container of cool whip
serve with vanilla wafers or animal crackers
I LOVE this one:
I can even get my hubby to eat it.