Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Christmas Poem

T’was the day before Christmas, and Oh, Lord, My HOUSE?!
Hubby’s off to by presents, no help from my spouse.

With laundry and dusting and such to be done,
I wondered if ever I’d have any fun.

The kitchen to clean, the presents to wrap
I just wanted to snuggle in for a nap.

So I opened my twitter, I visited a blog
While mainlining coffee to clear out the fog.

Pictures abound of the new fallen snow,
For us, rain and mud and yuck, dontcha know.

But then I found joy in a child’s sweet smile,
And realized when I’d thought for a while

I’m going about this whole thing all wrong,
It’s not a clean house, gifts, or a song.

We’re celebrating family, love and good health
Not showing off samples of inflated wealth.

It’s all in our hearts, we know we’re not worth
The gift we were given, starting with the Christ’s Birth.

So today I give thanks for my family and friends,
And I’m happy to do it, again and again.

I’ll still fold the laundry, and tidy our mess
But be less concerned with some need to impress.

My family, they love me, despite my each flaw.
So with that I bid Merry Christmas to All!


  1. Wonderful poem! Merry Christmas and God Bless!

  2. LOve it Thanks for shifting me right back into family/love time... I done CLEANING! lol..

    God Bless, Marry Christmas :)

  3. I LOVE your version!!!

    Merry Christmas!


  4. Great poem Megan!

    I'm making your trifle for tonight..YUM-O!

    Merry Christmas!


  5. Great poem!

    Have a very Merry Christmas - warm wishes to you and yours!

  6. Awesome Poem Megan! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  7. Great Poem You and your family have a great Christmas. God Bless you and yours

