Friday, December 4, 2009

Fill in the Blank/Five Question Friday!

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Woot Woot!! It's Friday! And my girlz are all over it! Tamara @ The (Un)Experienced Mom has thrown out there a new Fill In The Blank Friday, and Mama M. has presented us with Five new Five Question Friday questions. (That feels so silly to type out, but I'm going with it.)

First, Fill In the Blank!

The holiday movie I can't live without each year is __________. But the holiday movie I could DEFINITELY do without is _________________.

This one is kind of hard for me, because I don't end up watching a lot of movies! I do usually catch Ralphie and his Red Rider, but rarely from start to finish. It plays so frequently, I'll grab 15 minutes here, 20 minutes there, and by Christmas Day, have seen the whole thing once or twice at least! The kids ALWAYS do Polar Express, complete with pajamas and hot chocolate.
I'm not a big fan of the National Lampoon movies. The slapstick is funny. Once. After like the 4th movie, who cares? So, no Christmas Vacation for me.

Now, Five Question Friday!

1. Favorite gift you are GIVING this year?
2. How many parties are you attending between now and Christmas?
3. What is your favorite Christmas song?
4. Who was your favorite elementary school teacher and why?
5. If you had a choice to live in any other period of time (other than now) what era would you choose and why?

  1. My kids are going to explode when they see their gifts. See, J has been asking me for a Game Boy since he was 3. Honest Scrap. So, on Black Friday, when Wal*Mart put the blasted DS Lights on sale for under $100 each, I looked at Big Daddy and said "I think it's time." And I got one for each of the kids. I'm sure J is going to have a fit when he realizes that he had to wait FIVE YEARS for his, and his brother and sister are each getting one, but between the price, the multiplayer functions, and the not being interested in the other fighting that would commence, I'm betting we'll get through it!
  2. Actual Christmas/Holiday Parties? Not counting anything my family does ('cause it's always a party when our crew hooks up!), I have two currently scheduled. One tomorrow at church, and then one with Big Daddy's company next Saturday night. I'm sure there will be other festive revelry, but those are the official ones!
  3. I really, really love "O Holy Night" but many of the traditional hymn-style Christmas songs are great. I prefer those over most of the newer songs, they just feel more...Christmas-y to me! The newer songs are fun, but "Silver Bells" and "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" just put me in the zone.
  4. Oh that's hard! I had some really, really awesome teachers in elementary school. My first grade teacher, Miss Faye, was so much fun, and really encouraged my creativity and imagination. Ms. Gilkey taught me to love reading and math. Mrs. Spilotro was instrumental in encouraging my love of theatre. Yeah, I can't pick a favorite. Sorry.
  5. I'd love to live out west during the Gold Rush! Not so much the dresses and such, but the idea of living off the land, exploring uncharted territory, just appeals to me! Plus, I love the idea of horses as primary forms of transportation. I'd miss Sam's Club, though. 
Ok, now it's your turn! Post your answers and be sure to visit Tamara and Mama M. and link up!


  1. You're a good mama gettin all your kids DS's..We got one for Emersyn last year..she hardly plays with it..She said she wanted a ds game for Christmas..I said no you don't..


  2. I love your answer for #5. I wish I'da thought of that!

    We also got our older two DS's last year. They love them though and my son thinks he has to take it with him everywhere he goes. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to take it to church yet!

  3. I am a new visitor to your blog, "O Holy Night", is one of my favorite Christmas songs too! I am sure your kids will love their D.S. systems!

  4. Keely- haha

    Great answers! I think he will just be so excited to get it that he won't care about the others! Hoping!! Isn't great to get them something they are just going to love! So exciting!

    And haha missing Sams Club! I'd miss Starbucks living in the 20's! Ha!

  5. I think I am going to have to participate in the 5 Q F. I like a couple of these questions a lot. Loved your answers.

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one trying to play multiple meme's on one day!

    Too funny, your "must see" holiday movie was my "don't see"!!!


  7. Ok, total dumb question here but what is a DS??? Sorry, my little guys are only 3 1/2 and 18 mos, so I'm kinda out of the loop. And I haven't played video games since Donkey Kong was all the rage (seriously!)

  8. Do you know I have not seen Polar Express yet?! I think we'll be watching it soon I'm sure since my oldest loves trains (there's a train in the movie, right?).

    Thanks for playing!!!!
