Rules: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog, answer them, grab the MckLinky Blog Hop code, and link up! No blog? That's okay! Just leave your answers in my comments! Then be sure to visit Mama M. and find out her answers and how to submit a question for 5QF!
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Questions, Please. (Drum roll. You hear it? No? Oh. Just me then? Hmm. Oh! Nope, that was the kids, throwing balls down the stairs! HA!)
1. What were you doing the last time you really had a good laugh?
2. Who was your first CELEBRITY crush?
3. What is one talent that you wish you had?
4. How often do you and your spouse go out w/o the kids? Is it frequent enough?
5. What colour(s) is your bedroom?
1. Stumped. I think it was at M's birthday party while the kids played games. Pin the Wings on Tink and the Toadstool Stomp were darn near worth paying money to see. (Because, let's face it, blindfolding small children and then spinning them around in circles before trying to make them walk is HILARIOUS!)
2. I had the biggest, wildest, gonna marry that boy and we'd talk to dolphins for the rest of our lives crush on Jonathan Brandis. Anyone else ever watch seaQuest DSV? Boy was yummy.
3. Like Mama M, I wish I could sing well. I love to sing, and I have the mechanics of it, but not the tone quality. I'm a rock star in the car, though!
4. My husband and I rarely go "out" just the two of us. We will do social events with friends every couple of months, but almost never sneak out sans kids without a really specific reason. We hang out after the kids are in bed most evenings, usually catching up on SportsCenter, or reading books or the paper or whatever and just chatting about the day, but we've had some pretty tight financial situations over the last several years, and just got out of the habit of going out.
5. Our room is a really plain shade of beige. White doors, white trim. We don't have matching bedroom furniture, either. Our bed was his bed, he has his old dresser, I have mine. I did buy us a nice bedspread when our local JC Penney's was closing, but that's about it. Oh, and plain old white sheer's on the windows. Bleh.
There's my five answers! Now share yours! Either throw your answers in to the comments, or post 'em to YOUR blog and be sure to leave your link!

Didn't Jonathan die or commit suicide? Morbid, I know, but I seriously feel like I remember that happening (or at least being a rumor at one time!).
ReplyDeleteI almost posted his suicide as part of the post, and then I didn't. He hung himself in 2003. Such a waste.
ReplyDeleteI ALMOST SAID JONATHAN TOO! He looks a lot like my #1 crush (Jonathan Taylor Thomas), so it was a close call, because both adorned my bedroom for much of the 90s. I went with JTT because of the suicide thing...
ReplyDeleteI totally forgot about JTT... man! I just knew one day he'd be MINE! ;)
ReplyDeleteI remember the other Jonathan from SeaQuest,too! Also.. didn't he do a movie where he pretened to be a girl on a soccer team? (Ladybugs or something?) He was just a beauty...
Sounds like we all need to get together, find a good babysitter (or 10) and all go out! I don't recognize this Jonathon guy, but that's sad about a suicide.
ReplyDeleteI remember Jonathan...definitely sad about the suicide...nice visit...until next time...