If you've been here long, you know the rules, but they are worthy of repeating. 'Cause, we're moms. We have to repeat ourselves. Over. And over. And over. Because, bless it, why isn't anyone in this house LISTENING TO ME!? Oh. Um. Excuse me. Where was.... oh yes, the rules.
Copy and paste the following questions to your blog, answer the questions, grab the MckLinky Blog Hop code, and link up! Then, hop around and check out other fabulous bloggers! Oh, and...I'd love it if you'd link back to Mama M!!
The questions for today, November 20th, are (with special thanks to: Liz, Heidi, Adrienne, Tyler, and Keely for their question suggestions, or inspiration!!)
- Are you a Black Friday shopper?
- What was your favorite childhood toy? (Think Easy Bake Oven, Cabbage Patch Kid, Shrinky Dinks, etc.)
- Favorite Christmas movie?
- What is the "must have" item on your Christmas list this year?
- Do you go all out with decorations or do you keep it simple and classy?
Are you a Black Friday shopper?
Sometimes. I worked in retail for a number of years, and was the one who had to open that store up for the crazies. It takes something pretty special for me to decide it's worth it for me to go that early. Most of the time, I wait and venture out about 10am. I work under the concept of "If I'm meant to have it, it'll still be there."
What was your favorite childhood toy? (Think Easy Bake Oven, Cabbage Patch Kid, Shrinky Dinks, etc.)
Oh man. That's hard! I loved Shrinky Dinks, but only ever got to do them at my friend Monica's house, because my parents refused to buy them. I had a ton of My Little Pony's, though, and Cabbage Patch Kids. And, I had the Barbie Dream House with working elevator, and pink Mustang Convertible. That was pretty rockin'.
Favorite Christmas movie?
The original, animated Grinch. Love it. I'm a big fan of the Polar Express, too.
What is the "must have" item on your Christmas list this year?
Mine? You mean, for me? I think we're getting new cookware, does that count? I never think about stuff for me!
Do you go all out with decorations or do you keep it simple and classy?
I think I'm on the all out side of a happy medium. We don't do much outside, but I always hang a "card-line" in the hall where we display Christmas cards we receive, and my tree is covered to overflowing with ornaments. I do use only white lights, but that's because I have these marvelous, colorful blown glass ornaments that, when coupled with the goodies from the kids too, are more than enough!
My living room, 2:24am 12/25/08.
I have a lovely Nativity that also get's set out, some other little things here and there, but overall, I think not to much.
That, however, is TO MUCH! I am the only one of my family currently sporting kids. Only grandchildren on my parent's side. So, we have Nan, we have Papaw & Mamaw, we have Uncle Doo-Doo and Aunt Heather, and Uncle Poo-Poo and Aunt Mandy, Uncle Garrett and Aunt Karissa, and Uncle Jamison. All who shop. For my kids.Think I'm kidding? This next one is from 2007. Would you LOOK at all that STUFF!?
So ends my rant. And my 5QF. (Kinda went off on a tangent there, didn't I? Sorry about that. Welcome to my head. It's a bit cluttered in here.)
Now it's YOUR turn! Post your answers and link up! No blog? No problem! Throw 'em in the comments, we'll all be around!

Girl, you crack me up!
ReplyDeleteI think I am going to have to quit reading you for while though, I can't get over the jealousy that you got the pink convertible.
Great answers as always!
I forgot about My Little Ponies..
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
Have a great weekend!
Love your decorations! It's getting me in the Christmas mode!
ReplyDeleteLook at all those presents!! Fun Fun!! I remember those days were the presents seemed never ending and the excitement... so fun :)
ReplyDeleteI knew my answer to the Christmas movie question, and it was identical to yours. So in an effort to change it up a little I list the claymation movies as a runner up to the grinch. But I too love Polar Express. Funny!
ReplyDeleteYou had the three story Barbie Dream House too?! Granted, I was more of a She-Ra kid. So my Barbies had less of an elegant elevator, and more of an Elevator of Death. I'd put them in so they were leaning out, then yank the string to send them flying. The She-Ra castle worked better for that though, that would send them flying.
ReplyDeleteHello Megan! You've got an award waiting at my blog. :)