Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Working Mom Wednesday

The spectacular Julia from Sweet As Punkin Pie does a weekly feature where she interviews working moms so we can learn how others do it.

This week, I'm that mom! So, in true shameless fashion, I invite you to leave my page to go to hers to read about me. HA!

My Working Mom Wednesday Feature!


  1. Just read it. Nice. I am finding that you and I have SO much in common. It's pretty uncanny. I can't say that I have the whole working outside thing going on, but the reading, camping fishing, lived-in house (aka for me:disaster everywhere!). It's great.

  2. Megan, thanks for sharing, from another working Mama of three.
    Tax season sounds a little scary to me.
    Would you be willing to share any tips with the masses?

  3. Woo hoo! I love Julia's blog! I'm heading over right now to read :)


  4. Great interview, Megan! My hat's off to you, girl! You are AMAZING! (I suspected that, already!) ;) Keep up the great work - I love reading about somebody who lives a different kind of life than I do...and to see somebody who pulls it off so well - this is why I have enjoyed getting to know you through your blog - I applaud you!

  5. I read it..You're one cool chick! My hat goes off to all working moms..not that I wear hats, but if I did..Death by Chocolate, here I come!

  6. you rocked it, neighbor!! (get it, neighhbor, cuz we're so close... ha ha ha)

    so, maybe in a few weeks (right before Xmas) I can feature you again... you can give us some tax tips??? interested!

  7. LOL! I love that you counted how many calories you consumed!

    My husband won't let me get a real tree (BOO!) but maybe an itty bitty one would be ok...
