Getting To Know YOU! is super easy to play, too! Keely has shared some questions, we all post our answers on our blogs (or, if you aren't blogging yet, you can leave them in the comments!)
1. Hair color..Au naturale..or not?
2. If somebody has food in their teeth or lipstick on their teeth do you tell them?
3. Would you rather have a million dollars or your vision of the perfect body?
4. Favorite magazine?
5. Bra style..lacey or plain?
6. If you walked into Victoria's Secret..would you most likely come out with something sexy or comfy?
7. Do you fake and bake?
8. What's your favorite body part on a man?
1. Hair color..Au naturale..or not?
Currently, it's actually my natural color. My hair has been nearly every color of the rainbow, literally. I was a close, personal friend of Manic Panic hair colors throughout high school. When the Colts went to the Super Bowl in 2007, I colored my hair blue. I actually haven't colored it since right after that - I had to strip the blue out, and I colored it enough to not look like death, and have let my own hair color grow back out. I like it, actually!
2. If somebody has food in their teeth or lipstick on their teeth do you tell them?
I try to. I want people to tell me! I try to be a bit subtle about it, though, especially if it's someone I don't know well, or we're in a large group. If it's just one of the girls while we're all hanging out, you're gonna hear all about it!
3. Would you rather have a million dollars or your vision of the perfect body?
Hands down, a million dollars. I'm so comfortable with who I am, and I could do a lot with a million bucks!
4. Favorite magazine?
I love me some Cosmopolitan. I don't pick it up as often as I used to, but it's a great chance to just feel like more than someone's mom for a minute!
5. Bra style..lacey or plain?
Y'all are awful caught up in the unders! That's ok, though. I'm a theatre chick, and have no issues at all with what I got on under there! You get over it pretty quick when changing costumes in the wings.
I have, and wear, both. It all depends on what's going over them. Some things are just not well suited to a lacy bra! Other things ... require one. ;)
6. If you walked into Victoria's Secret..would you most likely come out with something sexy or comfy?
Empty hands. I have a really hard time justifying spending that kind of money on the underwear. I can get great quality and fit from Hanes. I can also get pretty. Target and Wal*Mart can give me 3 or 4 of what I want for what I'd spend on one in Vickie's. (That being said- that semi-annual clearance event - I'll hit that up every once in a while. And I buy both!)
7. Do you fake and bake?
Sometimes. Like, when my bestie decided to get married in Hawai'i, and I got to go ('cause my bestie is the BEST!) we both did some fake & bakin' - it was May, we are both REALLY pale in general, and we wanted to have a little bit of base color so we didn't burn to a crisp on day one and have a miserable time. It worked perfectly. Other than that, if I need some color, I spring for the spray tan, because I just don't get tan. I was destined to be the pasty white girl.
8. What's your favorite body part on a man?
I have never really given that any thought at all! Isn't that weird? I love eyes, in that horribly cliched window to the soul sort of way. I think I've always been drawn in by the eyes of the guys I've had relationships with, so I guess that's probably my fave!
See, now wasn't that easy? We'd all love for you to come along and play too!

I totally agree with you about Victoria's Secret. No way can I justify spending that kind of money on undergarments!
ReplyDeleteI agree to about VS but I am guilty and still shop there occasionally. I usually get a few good basic bras there and then shop else where for the other things that dont get worn as much ;)
ReplyDeleteHave a good week.. know its been busy for ya
I am with you all the way about Vicky's
ReplyDeleteAgreed, actually on Victoria's Secret. You know who has some comfy undies for less is Gap Body!
ReplyDeleteWe have had quite a few questions about undergarments and TP and all kinds of embarassing things :o) I love VS bras, I like to have matching panties too but the bras are a must have for me.
ReplyDeleteA practical gal after my own heart... :) And, yes - I've been noticing that we talk a lot about underwear, too...and, I'm the PRACTICAL UNDERWEAR person, so I have quite boring answers...
ReplyDeleteShould I tone down the questions..I like the embarrasing ones though...:-)
ReplyDeleteLove your answers girl!!
I don't shop at Vic's too often..and when I do..I never get anything sexy..poor Hus..