Thursday, March 18, 2010

Brackets Busted Already!? And other random Thursday Thoughts

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Yeesh. I dunno how many of you are watching the NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament, but...
There have been a few upsets already. Usually are, but I'm a little stunned by a couple.

Trying to follow from in the office is difficult, which is only making it harder. That, coupled with the fact that I only got TWO brackets submitted anywhere (usually I'm the one putting the pool together!) is making me crazy!

It's spring break here. My kids are kind of hating it, since it has just meant they had to come to work with me a lot. I keep trying to remind them that summer break will be much better, but I'm not sure they're buying it.

I'm feeling a bit... unfocused at work. I think I need a break, but that's about impossible to get. Thinking about looking at my OnDemand options for a good workout that I could get up and do first thing in the morning. We went to the gym for a while, and I'd go before the kids and hubs got up, and get home in time to get everyone moving. I felt great while I did it, but I was running into issues with not getting enough sleep. I managed to not get back, even after tax season was over. *lame*.

Equally lame - I'm having some bloggers block issues, thus this mish-mosh of random thoughts. I think it's directly related to my lack of focus at work. It doesn't help that I'm not grabbing at my camera for fun pics of the kids, I'm not cooking much so no food posts, you know, the good stuff.

Realized today that I am officially 4 weeks from April 15th. There may have been some booty-shakin' involved with that. It's possible. Hoping the rest of you can bear with me for the next 28 days!

Really, REALLY glad that I am part of a "So Long, Insecurity" study with Kate, Crayon Wrangler & some others. Feeling a little raw emotionally as a part of it, but just getting some stuff out there is so SO good.

Ok, that's enough venting for now - I'm hungry and heading home to grab some food and catch some of these ball games!


  1. Great random thoughts. And, thanks for your kind words on my blog. :) Sweet.

  2. I'm having the same issue of being unfocused in general. Especially now that I'm writing books and such, my blog is nearly a wasteland. Work's been so busy, there's so much to do, that I don't want to do any of it. At the end of the day, I'm so mentally exhausted that any sort of physical activity seems like too much work. Add to that increased consumption of alcoholic beverages, and I'm blowing up like a whale. Sleep's been hard to come by, so I can relate that getting up early in the morning isn't necessarily feasible. I love you guys, but I am so glad I took the tax year off this year.

    But April 15th is close for you! And my magical date for selling my books is next weekend, so hopefully life will slow down a bit after that.

  3. Praying for you. Love that you are part of the study and appreciate your openess. Hang in there girl 28 days is nothin'. You got this!!
