Sunday, June 13, 2010


Sorry! I don’t mean to keep not posting, but I am having such a fabulously busy time, I have to decide between writing and sleeping. I’d love to think writing was winning more, but the fabulous busy part is exhausting.

Thursday was my 9th wedding anniversary. He had to work, so the kids and I puttered around the house for a bit. I had ordered a replacement drive belt for our string trimmer, and it had come in, so before the heat became unbearable, I changed that out and got a bit of trimming done. I followed that up with trying to mow the grass, only to find that my mower was blowing thick clouds of white smoke everywhere. A couple of adjustments later, I was back at it, and the front and side yards were mowed.

I also straightened the garage, then went to rescue the BFF, who was dropping off a car. Hung out at her house for a few while she showed off the nearly complete remodel (so stoked for her- it’s FABULOUS!), then came home to mow out back. After that, I felt like I had earned a little play time in the pool!

Friday was just as busy, if not more so! Chiropractors appointment, followed by a trip to the library..


..where we picked out tons of books. While we were there, I heard from Big Daddy, who was feeling a bit bummed because there wasn’t much for him to pack for his lunch. Taking him lunch meant we had another hour or so to kill, so we were off to the park!

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We worked up a SERIOUS DSC03594 !

While we were enjoying lunch with Big Daddy, MY daddy called, and was in town for a little bit. He was going to visit his parents, and wondered if he could come see us when he left there. We decided to go one better than that, and surprised them all by showing up at their house. Made me smile!


Made them smile too.

This is becoming quite the novel, so I’m going to stop there for now, but rest assured, I’m still around, and have more to share, so I’ll be back soon!

Momsense Signature

1 comment:

  1. Hello Megan, this was a wonderful peak inside your family - from running errands, mowing the lawn, playing in the pool to a visit with the grandparents. Loved all the pictures and the kids looked happy and content - an authentic family blog. (I'm a new follower from a few weeks past) Glad I took the time today to poke my head in here to day to see how the family was getting along and to say "hi". I'll be back.

