Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fighting Mad

I visited a blog today of a mother. This mother has a little girl who has battled cancer. She, too, is using this month to promote awareness for pediatric cancer, fighting for treatments and cures for all kids, including her own baby girl.

She shared information that focused on some of the treatments that exist for our children, on the disparity in treatment protocols, funding and more. I invite you to visit Amber’s blog, in particular this post, and read more about it.

I commented on that post, asking her permission to share it with you, and she graciously and enthusiastically agreed. You see, she’d just come home from the funeral service for a sweet five year old little girl. A little girl who wasn’t ready to give up, but who was out of options.


A sweet baby who lost  her fight at an age that all of my children have seen come and go. An innocent child who fought for her life for better than two of her five years. Nearly half of her short life was spent battling a monster that ravaged her body.

Can I tell you that right now, I’m weeping, and I want to punch something. Because it makes me MAD. Mad that Kate, that little girl, left a mother and daddy, and 4 siblings, all wondering why. Mad that my little friend Colette, who began her battle with neuroblastoma before she was three is clear of her cancer, but requires hearing aids because the treatments damaged her hearing. Mad that there are not better answers, better treatments, better options. I’m ready to fight. Are you?

Fighting for our kids,

goldribbon Momsense Signature

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