Tonight was good.
After the emotions of yesterday, trying my best to help where I could at the school, I needed today to be laid back.
Once the kiddies were done with homework, we agreed that tonight’s dinner would be a “free for all” – cereal & milk for two kiddos, and a “pizza dog” for the pickier one.
On Tuesdays, my husband frequently has hang-out night with his brother. They have some sort of Madden football challenge thing going, and Wednesdays are usually a day off, so the late night isn’t a big deal. He comes home from work, changes clothes, helps me with dinner (usually makes dinner while I manage to brew a pitcher of iced tea. Or while I Facebook or something equally not really helpful. He’s kind of awesome like that.) and then he heads out to go play.
The kids and I usually use this time to take over the Wii or the Playstation, maybe we watch a movie, and sometimes we do really exciting stuff like put away laundry.
Tonight, we played Clue Jr., The Search for the Chocolate Cake.
We hadn’t played it before (at least not that I remember) and it was fun trying to help the kids understand that they were getting the “Not This” answer so they could solve for the right answer. I saw the AHA! moment for each of them. Cute cute cute.
Until M started making notes on my kitchen counter. Really, daughter? You thought you should write them THERE?
Thank goodness it was pencil.
We had a ton of fun, and finished right at bed time, which was perfect.
Today was a good day.
:-) Right back atcha! Loved chatting with you last night!!