Friday, December 24, 2010


As I wrapped up a bit of shopping this past week, an old memory came to me.

I was in my early teens, my parent’s had divorced only a few years before. I’m the oldest of three, my brothers (referred to as Uncles Doo-Doo & Poo-Poo, nicknames assigned by J many moons ago) are twins, just shy of three years younger than me.

Each December, we would bundle up and head to KMart. We’d start the evening in the Little Caesars, pizza and Crazy Bread (oh, how I love hot, fresh Crazy Bread!) for dinner. A rare treat, and a favorite tradition.

Then, we would each take  a bit of money Mom had carefully set aside, and we’d buy for each other. Laughter as we looked at the silly things we could get. Conspiring to pool our resources to get that special something for Mom, or the other sibling. Sneaking through aisles, trying to avoid one another so our secrets wouldn’t be revealed.

As we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, remember the little things, the traditions that may seem silly to someone else, are the ones that will remain in your heart, and the hearts of those you love, for years to come.

Cherish those you love. It’s not about the house being clean enough, or the decorations being elaborate enough. It’s about togetherness. It’s about love. It’s about a child born to save us all through the gift of His life.

It’s about remembering.

Merry Christmas!

Momsense Signature

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