Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I’m sitting here at my kitchen table, and again, I’m struggling to find words. I’m usually not short on them, and perhaps, if you were sitting here with me, we’d be having a wonderful conversation. Lots of laughter, some tears, quiet moments in there, as we talked over what 2012 was for us, and mulled over what 2013 has in store.

The last twelve months have been full of ups and downs for so many of us. For my family, we enjoyed time together, we travelled west to celebrate with my cousin as he married. I spent a weekend in Florida with my grandparents while we threw a heck of a 90th birthday party for my grandfather. Amusement parks, baseball, a ton of sporting events. I went back to school, my husband took on the role of PTO President. We filled our days with activities, and relished moments of peace.

November and December were harder, as my grandmother (my dad’s mom – we lost my mom’s mom in 2007) declined, and slipped away on December 8th. Just a few days later we thought we were going to lose my grandfather as well. His recovery was literally nothing short of a miracle. The emotions from those weeks are still so very raw that I’m weeping as I type this.

Now I’m trying to prepare for a tax season that even the IRS is unable to prepare for. I’m struggling to feel ready, to be motivated, to approach it with the same joy and passion I’ve had for the last 15 years. Once we are able to get rolling I’m sure I’ll be fine, but right now? I’m just not there yet.

So, for now, my plan for 2013 is to get up every day and do my best. Some days my best will be better than others, but if I can do my best, then what more can I ask for?

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