Saturday, August 4, 2012

Anyone have a Straight Jacket I can Borrow?

I may have pushed myself in to a new level of crazy.

It’s back to school time, which means back to PTO stuff time. I’m also going to be leading tax school students for work, heading out for convention next month, and taking some time off with my husband to work on some things around the house that desperately need done.

So, it makes total sense to go back to school myself, right?

That’s what I thought too.

I’m going to meet with an advisor for the first time on Tuesday, but I’ve completed my FAFSA, applied, been accepted, and have taken my initial placement exams.

I know it’s the right thing to do, and the time really isn’t going to get much better than now. The kids are all old enough to understand when I have to deal with homework, papers and exams. The husband is already super-dad, accustomed to taking it all on during tax season, and is our primary cook all year. My boss is totally on board, and super supportive.

I know I can do this – I can successfully balance work, home, PTO and school of my own. I’m sure it will have it’s rough points, but life always does. But honestly? I’m nervous. I haven’t taken an actual class in 15 years. I’m pretty used to running the show, so being the student may not come very easily.

Oh, and the first sentence of that last paragraph? The one where I’m confident I can balance it all? Was I convincing to you? Because I’m still trying to convince me.

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